100% vegan
"I’ve been suffering from lactose intolerance and the abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhoea that comes with it for years. After just two weeks of taking your probiotics, I have not noticed any of these icky symptoms"
After years of struggling with rosacea and daily rashes, investing in various creams and products, I don’t have a single rash and my skin is clean and beautiful after just 9 days (!) of taking these probiotics. Not to mention the overall condition..."
The microbiome, i.e., the bacteria in the gut, are essential for our health. In addition to digesting complex sugars, producing vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, they also influence the body's immune system, skin, sleep, and mood. Biomefix is a liquid probiotic containing live bacteria that quickly reach the gut. Its uniqueness lies in its freshness, as Biomefix is produced only upon order. I have not only personal experience with Biomefix but also feedback from patients, whether in providing quick relief from conditions (diarrhea, bloating) related to an imbalance in the microbiome, such as the use of antibiotics or viral gastrointestinal infections, but also in strengthening the body's immunity during flu seasons and post-COVID recovery.
MUDr. Anna Gojdičová, PhD.
BODY&FUTURE Laboratories probiotics are the perfect way to consume the bacteria and fibre the body needs.
The fact that they are in liquid form means they can be absorbed quickly and the bacteria can survive.
Personally, I find these qualities, backed up by research, give this product a huge edge over other brands, plus it tastes great too.
What more could we ask for?! 😬❤️
I’ve been taking probiotics regularly for about half a year now. I could really see and feel the changes in the very first month.
My body, especially my digestion, usually had a very unpleasant reaction to milk and gluten – diarrhoea, and painful rashes on my face, back and shoulders.
After just one month, I could feel that I was building up resistance to dairy and gluten products, but I didn’t overdo it. When I ate them in smaller amounts, however, I didn’t feel sick any longer, and the rashes weren’t so bad.
If you ask me, it’s a really great product. My personal favourite is the mango flavour, I liked that a bit more.
Taking the liquid probiotics made me feel lighter and I experienced fewer digestive problems than usual.
My histamine intolerance became less pronounced while I was taking them. I was less nauseous and not as bloated as I normally am. I had often struggled with women’s problems before, but these became less of an issue.
I felt the first effects about two days after starting to use it, my generally quite good digestion improved even more, maybe I would call it calmed down. I actually stopped reacting completely to older food (meaning day-old and well-stored cooked food) and overall, I feel like my digestion has been reset. The effect persists long after finishing, I highly recommend it as an occasional reset cure, especially after antibiotics.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, LGG®
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, LGG®
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Impaired mental wellbeing
The gut microbiome has a strong influence on the nervous system and the production of neurotransmitters, which can affect mood and mental wellbeing. Imbalances in the gut microbiome have even been attributed to certain mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression.
Digestive problems
The gut microbiome contributes to the integrity of the intestinal wall, protects you from pathogens, and prevents toxins from entering the bloodstream. Disturbances in the gut microbiome may lead to digestive problems, such as bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, and constipation. More serious conditions, such as IBS, IBD, and SIBO, may also develop.
Reduced immunity
A healthy gut microbiome is important for the immune system to work properly. If it is disrupted, the body’s defences against infection and disease may be weakened.
Urogenital infections
Fluctuations in the microbiome and an increase in pathogenic bacteria may cause issues such as vaginal infections, candidiasis, and UTIs.
Impaired nutrient digestion
Gut microorganisms play an important role in the metabolism of compounds and the production of nutrients for the human body. Microbiome disturbances may disrupt metabolic pathways, reducing the production and impairing the absorption of nutrients.
Allergies and intolerance
Disruptions in the gut microbiome are also associated with an elevated risk of food allergies and intolerances.
High blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity
Microbiome abnormalities may lead to an increased risk of cardiometabolic disorders, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.
The gut microbiome plays an essential role in the regulation of the immune system, which in turn affects the health of the skin. Gut bacteria help to maintain the barrier function of the intestines, preventing pathogens and toxins from entering the body. Microbiome disturbances may compromise both immunity and the barrier function of the gut, resulting in inflammatory skin diseases, such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Skin health is also regulated by SCFAs, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, mental stress also affects skin health, as the gut, brain, and skin are all interconnected.
A healthy microbiome in the mouth helps to maintain a balance between the microorganisms that are present and prevents pathogens from taking over. Proliferation of pathogens in the oral cavity may result in tooth decay, periodontal disease, and potentially other conditions. If the integrity of the gums is compromised, microorganisms from the oral cavity can enter the bloodstream, which may trigger the development of inflammatory processes and contribute to the progression of systemic diseases.
Interestingly, the oral microbiome interacts with the local immune system and helps to form immune responses that can limit or prevent infections.
Body odour is generated by the microbial breakdown of sweat. Sweat is decomposed by microorganisms that are part of the skin microbiome. Differences in the types and amounts of bacteria present on the skin may account for differences in body odour from one person to another.
Some bacteria (such as Corynebacteria) are known to produce stronger odours, while others, such as Staphylococcus, give off less intense smells. The make-up of the microbiome is affected by genetics, diet, lifestyle, and hygiene itself.
The strains we use in the production of our probiotics are among the most clinically researched in the world.
We are constantly developing and improving the product to deliver a “clean label” formulation containing live bacteria, fibre, and biologically active ingredients such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).
Because of its live and active bacteria content, our product has a short guarantee period. We do not add any preservatives to extend the guarantee and we prepare each order fresh.
Your probiotics kept me going during a severe illness (cancer) and helped me to overcome severe cramps, indigestion, bloating and nausea surprisingly quickly.
And I use them to this day, because, to be perfectly honest, if we are unable to even partially influence factors such as air pollution, genetics and, not least, what we eat, and wean ourselves off a diet of mainly processed foods, then we should at least reach for good-quality probiotics to help keep our organs healthy.
After years of struggling with rosacea and daily rashes, investing in various creams and products, I don’t have a single rash and my skin is clean and beautiful after just 9 days !!!!! of taking these probiotics. Not to mention the overall condition, more energy, etc. A huge thank you!!!!
She is an older dog with a serious diagnosis. She started having problems with digestion and also with her gallbladder. This is understandable, given the combination of old age and a serious diagnosis, she has to take a lot of medications, which unfortunately,
besides treating, also have side effects. Among the issues we faced were problems with her entire digestive system, including her gallbladder. Since I also use Biomefix and she had to take probiotics too, I didn’t want to add more tablets to her regimen, so
the choice was clear. We would try it, as it couldn’t hurt her.
After approximately a month-long course, we went for a check-up at the vet, who saw on the ultrasound that the inflammation had subsided and the gallbladder wall had shrunk. I’m not saying this is solely the result of probiotics, but also the medication, of
course. However, what I believe is the result of probiotics is her digestion: her stomach rumbles less, her stool is much better, and we no longer have “accidents.” Overall, she is more energetic and has a much better appetite. Since we didn’t treat this with
medication nor did we change her diet, I believe that the probiotics helped a lot.
Hello, my mother’s immune system is weakened and she has increased susceptibility to infections and diseases. Her doctors regularly start her treatment with antibiotics. Being an elderly person who doesn’t get enough exercise, plus antibiotics, this is reflected to a large extent in her digestion. Probiotics from yourselves are the only ones that help her a lot. Improved digestion, more energy and she also feels better mentally. We will continue with the next monthly treatments.
I’ve been taking B&F Laboratories Probiotics for a short time, but I can already feel the positive changes. I feel better, less tired and my immunity works better. I believe that the effects will be even more pronounced with long-term use.
Hello, I rarely review products, but your probiotics really deserve it. I already felt positive changes in my digestion and skin in the 2nd week of taking them. Gradually, my acne disappeared, my skin was more beautiful, my digestion improved. The liquid form is certainly better than the tablets, either in terms of use or the effect that is not comparable to the tablets. Thank you.
Originally, I ordered your probiotics because of my problematic skin, which still had acne even at the age of 33. Traditional solutions didn’t work (quality skincare, dermatologist, various procedures), so after a brief search and reading some positive articles and reviews, I found out about you. After just one week, I felt the first positive effects and was pleasantly surprised. My digestion improved, the bloated feeling disappeared, and the fatigue I often experienced, which I attributed to a hectic lifestyle, was gone. By the end of the fourth week, my skin was visibly clearer, more radiant, and completely free of acne. I am very grateful to you and will recommend your probiotics because I am living proof that they work and solve more than one issue. I regularly repeat the monthly course, just for the great feeling of being able to give my body this liquid miracle.
Suitable for use during short treatment with antibiotics and for acute digestive problems
This pack has enough of the product to last one week.
Suitable when antibiotics are taken for longer periods, and when you have chronic digestive problems
This discounted pack has enough of the product to last you for two weeks.
Packs for one month or longer, designed for complete restoration of gut microflora
This discounted pack has enough of the product to last you for four weeks.